Loose Connections
Loose Connections
Loose electrical connections
A major contributor to electrically caused fires are loose connections. In simplified terms when a loaded electrical connection does not make a positive contact arcing can occur. This arcing produces oxidisation on the contact points which in turn increases the resistance of the joint and causes heat build up on the connection. This heat build up can melt parts of the installation which can then ignite nearby combustible materials. As you can see from the photo above the cable has clearly been under duress from a lot of heat. This was picked up during an inspection of the switchboard after a non related fault.
Things to look out for are deformed plastics around electrical switches, intermittent operation of devices, and buzzing or fizzing sounds coming from electrical products or the smell of burning PVC. If in doubt contact your sparky and get him to have a look for you, and while he’s there get him to check the connections in your switchboard.
Thursday, 13 October 2011